Choosing a wedding dance is a unique experience for all couples. For some couples, it is easy. Some find it tough and take some time for choosing a wedding dance. Couples do a lot of research for a wedding dance and search for wedding dance lessons near me to get some guidance.

Choosing the wedding dance is an essential part of the wedding planning process. The lyrics and music of the song define a couple’s married bliss and it activates some memory for the rest of their life. Some couples plan much before their wedding and decide on a special song.

If you find trouble selecting a wedding dance song, check out a few tips here:

1) Pick a sentimental song – Many couples prefer to select a song that relates to their relationship, in some way or the other. The song will have some remembrance of some time they had spent together or their first movie song. Whatever is the reason, it becomes more memorable if the song chosen is linked with the sentimental value of their relationship.

2) Think about your love story – If you don’t find a sentimental or special song, you can select one that is important to your love story. Take some time to think behind when your relationship started. Identify a few essential moments that define your relationship and the way you will take it forward. It could be the time you started dating or an unusual relationship started. Research well on it, try to trace lyrics that specify your precise love story. You can also check on something that well defines both of you and include that in your wedding song.

3) Favorite Song – If there is a common liking for a particular song between the couple, then it can be considered the wedding song. Check with the DJ for the movements and speed of the movements. Having a common favorite song will be the best selection of the wedding song.

4) Pay attention to a specific type – When you start your wedding song plan, it can be overwhelming as there are numerous wedding songs that might link to your relationship. Hence, narrow down your search by selecting one specific type. Though it is not an easy task, it is essential that you break it down as the likes might vary between the couple. For example, one might prefer a local song, while the other prefers jazz. So, you need to find a common ground that will please both and also introduce the couple to the compromise techniques.

5) Wedding theme and venue – When you choose your wedding dance, check the wedding venue and theme. Wedding planners and couples spend a lot of time deriving their wedding themes. It is, in fact, a huge part of any wedding. So, choose the song that goes well with the wedding venue or theme. Choosing a wedding song this way will be a wonderful experience.

6) Check on the preference for modern or traditional songs – Once you narrow down the search for the wedding song type, you also need to check about the preference. Whether you prefer a modern or traditional wedding song. Each preference has its pros and cons. Traditional songs are evergreen, however, some couples might prefer modern songs.

7) Be aware of the melody – It is a known fact that slow dance best goes with certain rhythms. Hence, do not select an upbeat song that has a fast tempo. An upbeat song is best when you perform a fast pace dance. Also, you can take suggestions from DJ in advance and customize the rhythm for a specific song that suits you well with slow dancing.

8) Discuss with your band – Whatever rhythm you choose for the wedding dance, you should make it a point to discuss with the band or DJ to check the tune. Various bands are experts in many songs; however, they can always learn a new song. Otherwise, consider using a speaker for blasting the tune. At the end of the selection, ensure that the couple should be satisfied with the selection. As this will be in my memory for years.